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Connect Wallet

Supported Wallets

Pando Proto supports Mixin Messenger, Fennec, Metamask and all walletconnect compatible wallets.

Connect with Metamask

Visit Pando and connect with Metamask wallet by tapping the "Connect Wallet" button and choosing the "Metamask" method.

You will asked to sign a message in EIP-4361 format. Please sign the message and you will be connected to Pando.


您可能需要手动添加资产合约才能使资产在您的钱包中可见。 Swap 页面上有一个粉红色的“+”按钮。 单击它可以将资产合约添加到 MetaMask 中。

Connect with WalletConnect Compatible Wallets

Connect to MVM Bridge with WalletConnect

Visit MVM Bridge and connect with WalletConnect compatible wallet by choosing "WalletConnect" method. You can deposit or withdraw cryptocurrency via bridge.


If you are the first time to use Pando with the wallet, you may need to deposit some cryptocurrency via MVM Bridge first. You can use the "Deposit" button to deposit cryptocurrency to MVM Bridge.

Connect to Pando with WalletConnect

Visit Pando and connect with Metamask wallet by tapping the "Connect Wallet" button and choosing the "Wallet Connect" method.

You will asked to sign a message in EIP-4361 format. Please sign the message and you will be connected to Pando.

Connect OneKey Wallet

Before connecting Pando with OneKey, please read the official documentation for initial setup of OneKey.

Connect to MVM Bridge with OneKey

Visit MVM Bridge and connect with OneKey wallet by choosing "WalletConnect" method. You can deposit or withdraw cryptocurrency via bridge.


If you are the first time to use Pando with OneKey, you may need to deposit some cryptocurrency via MVM Bridge first. You can use the "Deposit" button to deposit cryptocurrency to MVM Bridge.

Connect to Pando with OneKey

Visit Pando and connect with OneKey wallet by tapping the "Connect Wallet" button and choosing the "OneKey" method.

You will asked to sign a message in EIP-4361 format. Please sign the message and you will be connected to Pando.

Connect with Mixin Messenger

To connect with Mixin Messenger is pretty simple. Just scan the QR code with Mixin Messenger and you will be connected to Pando.

Connect with Fennec

Fennec is an alternative wallet for Mixin Messenger. Install Fennec on Firefox or Chrome, and connect with Fennec by authorizing the wallet.